acupuncture, fertility massage, clapham

Castor oil pack for periods pain or endometriosis

I have been amazed , times and times again, by how CASTOR OIL PACK has reduced period pain for my patients. Three days ago again, one of my patient was telling me how , after doing castor oil pack every single day (except during menses), for 2 months, her period pain had been reduced by 70%. She is not the only one, so many have told me how not only their pain had reduced but also how less clotty and lighter their blood was.

I personally heard about castor oil pack for the first time in a book by Lisa Lister “Love your lady landscape” few years ago. This book changed my life in many ways. That’s where I got to know about women circles, fertility massage and self care mentioning castor oil pack. I tried myself many many times and enjoyed it a lot but I never really understood its power until patients of mine had started using it on a regular basis and tell me about amazing results for their periods pain.

What do you need to do a castor oil pack? You need to buy a good quality castor oil (organic and in a glass bottle), some wool flannel, some cling film, a towel and a hot water bottle. That’s it!

How to do it? You soak the wool flannel in the oil, apply it on your abdomen, cover it with a cling film, then a towel and then a hot water bottle! You can leave it for a good half an hour. Some say up to one hour.

When not to do it? Don’t do it when you have your menses and don’t do it after ovulation if you are trying to conceive.

It’s very detoxifying! The first time I did it , I ended up with a massive headache! So drink plenty of water!!

It’s cheap, it’s simple and I am appalled by the fact that so many women are struggling with their periods pain, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain and painful cramps and know nothing about this method. Ladies, let’s share!

Get in touch for more information.