acupuncture, fertility massage, clapham

The Power of Getting to Know Yourself

The cornerstone of my work is empowerment. I want you to leave every session feeling stronger and more in control. Nowadays, we often rely on apps to tell us when our periods are due and, especially, when we are ovulating while trying to conceive. Apps are great. Life is so busy that even simple tasks can slip through the cracks. I personally love my “to-do” app—it helps me keep track of everything I intend to do and reminds me how easy it is to forget things I swore I’d handle just two days earlier. That’s modern life. That’s London life.

However, when it comes to fertility, while an app may help you track your cycle and predict when your period will come, I strongly advise against relying on it to determine your fertile days. This is where knowing your body becomes crucial.

Your cervical mucus is the best indicator of when you are fertile, while tracking your basal body temperature is the most reliable way to confirm ovulation. Don’t rely on an app to tell you when you’re fertile. Trust your body instead—otherwise, you may miss valuable opportunities to conceive.

The Power of Acupuncture

I am always amazed at what I’ve been able to achieve with hair-thin acupuncture needles. I’ve helped bring periods back after months of absence, calmed the most anxious individuals, relieved painful periods, helped chronic insomniacs find restful sleep, and even supported bringing children into the world. Namaste.

The Power of Reframing

A few months ago, I had a client who came to me, feeling deeply stressed, and said she had been trying to conceive for a year. When we looked at her situation more closely, we discovered that she had actively tried only five times out of the 12 months. There were times when her husband wasn’t home during her fertile window, times she missed it herself, and moments when low libido got in the way. She hadn’t realised this on her own, and when she did, she already felt much better.

When I work with my clients, I listen deeply. I meet them where they are in their understanding of their fertility journey. Then, I help them reframe their experiences. By shifting the perspective and seeing things with fresh eyes, we uncover insights they might have missed.

This is the power of conversation – getting things off your chest and gaining clarity through a different lens. It’s healing, empowering, and transformative.

Silène is an Acupuncturist specialised in Gynaecology & Fertility, Fertility Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner. She has helped many women and men in their fertility journey. If you’d like to discuss how she could help you, please get in touch.