acupuncture, fertility massage, clapham

Worried about period pain? Holistic treatments can help!

Periods shouldn’t be painful. A little pain isn’t out of the ordinary, but if you have huge pain, it’s a sign that there is something wrong. Doctors will often send you for an ultrasound, which can be useful to see fibroids or polyps, but it will not show other very painful conditions such as Endometriosis or Adenomyosis. If you’re in pain and you’ve been told there’s nothing wrong, the best way to find out about other conditions is by a 3D scan or MRI scan. 

Fortunately, there are many holistic and Chinese medicinal practices that are helpful for not only decreasing pain, but also in healing the root source of the problem.

Holistic treatments for painful menses

Acupuncture provides healing and relief for the immune system, nervous system and energy system. It targets issues such as stress, anxiety, and other emotional or psychological issues. The body holds these emotions in areas around the body, including the pelvic region. You may have heard people talk about emotions being stored in the hips. This can cause blockages that lead to physical conditions and painful symptoms. 

Abdominal massage
We can trace women’s abdominal and sacral massage lineage as far back as the Norse and Egyptian civilization. Still now in many parts of the world, this tradition continues. This comforting nourishing intuitive abdominal massage has been used for centuries to help release our emotions and tensions from our bodies that are the source of many problems. Learn more about the amazing benefits of abdominal massage here.

Castor oil pack
I have been amazed, time and time again, by how castor oil packs have reduced period pain for my patients. One of my patients was telling me how after doing a castor oil pack every single day (except during menses) for 2 months, her period pain had been reduced by 70%. She is not the only one, so many have told me how not only their pain had reduced but also how less clotty and lighter their blood was. You can follow my guide on how to do them here.

Reiki energy work is another full body healing technique that aims to restore balance and healing in the body’s energy system, helping the body to function at its best.

Diet and lifestyle changes
Inflammation can cause many problems in the body, often leading to pain. Reducing inflammatory foods from your diet can help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Hormone imbalance can also provide unwanted systems for women. Female hormones can be affected by pesticides in fruit and vegetables, hormones in meat or even hormones in water. Although it would be difficult to remove all of these hormones from your day to day life, if you believe or know you are struggling from an imbalance, opting for organic foods, particularly the dirty dozen, which are the 12 fruits and vegetables that usually contain the highest levels of pesticides, can help you.

If you’re tired of or worried about painful menses, get in touch to discuss a treatment plan that would be best for you.